Brazil or Cambodia?

In the hammock trying to get some sleep
(Click on photo to Enlarge)

Here are some pictures I decided to put up because I thought they were funny. When we went to Aracati to visit my wifes brother he had said he had a duplex house. That it was a 2 story house and that it was a great house to live in.

This is a prime example why you should always be prepared, the house looked like something out of a horror flick. The house was more like a bunker used in world war 2 and the bathroom was so horrible I was even afraid to do number 1 in there.

Here still trying to get some sleep
(Click on photo to Enlarge)

Sleeping was a task in itself, with mosquitos buzzing about and hungry for your blood. The air is hot all around you and having to put a sheet over you so the bugs don't bite make it that much hotter. But remember we where told this was a great place. Yeah right!

Needless to say we got a hotel room at about 3am to get a decent night sleep.

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